Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Groupon sure did make a splash at the game, but from all the post-Super Bowl buzz, it's clear the company stumbled in creating the right impression for the brand. One of the spots, which many found borderline offensive, seemed to trivialize the political struggle currently going on in Tibet. In a blog post today, CEO Andrew Mason responded to the controversy, and, in doing so, may have revealed the culprit behind the ad: Crispin Porter + Bogusky.

Except, Alex Bogusky, the so-called Ad Jesus behind the very Hulu-Alec Baldwin Super Bowl spot Mason cites in his explanation, famously quit the ad biz months ago. (Let's hope Groupon got at least 33.3% off on the deal.)

Though Mason took responsibilty for the spot, explaining that trivializing Tibet's cause was never Groupon's intention, the company's founder was clear about who came up with the idea for the commercial:
The firm that conceived the ad, Crispin Porter & Bogusky, strives to draw attention to the cultural tensions created by brands. When they created this Hulu ad, they highlighted the idea that TV rots your brain, making fun of Hulu. Our ads highlight the often trivial nature of stuff on Groupon when juxtaposed against bigger world issues, making fun of Groupon. Why make fun of ourselves? Because it's different—ads are traditionally about shameless self promotion, and we've always strived to have a more honest and respectful conversation with our customers. We would never have run these ads if we thought they trivialized the causes – even if we didn't take them as seriously as we do, what type of company would go out of their way to be so antagonistic?

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