Thursday, May 19, 2011


Earlier today, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention tweeted about a blog post it wrote concerning a very pressing matter: the zombie apocalypse. Sent from its @CDCemergency Twitter account, the tweet sent so much traffic to the post, entitled “Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse,” that it actually crashed the CDC’s web server.

Obviously the CDC’s post was a joke and perhaps a way to get a bit more traffic, but with people thinking that the end of the world is coming on Saturday, finding out the best ways to prepare for the zombie apocalypse may not be a bad idea.

The CDC’s post suggests that you’ll be happy you read it when the apocalypse does eventually happen. In reality, the advice the CDC gives in its zombie post is general good-to-know info in case of a real emergency. It’s actually a good way of making us read info we normally might skip over. However, with books like The Zombie Survival Guide, who needs to read a post from the most prominent and trusted source in the United States for health and safety information?

The CDC suggests a few things that you should do before zombies, or other major emergencies — like hurricanes or pandemics — happen. First, you should have an emergency kit in your house with food, water, and other supplies like medications, tools, sanitation products, clothes, bedding, and first aid. These things will get you through the first few days before you can find a “zombie-free refugee camp.”

We’ll let you peruse the blog post for more tips, like picking a meeting place for you and your family to regroup in case zombies invade your house. Since the blog post was so popular, viewing it on the actual CDC site can be a little tricky right now. You can check out the Google cache of it if you can’t get through to the original post.

Thank you, CDC. We feel that much more prepared for the zombie apocalypse now.

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