Friday, February 11, 2011


Bloombergis reporting from multiple sources that the BlackBerry PlayBook will run Android applications. Earlier reports had the PlayBook running the Java VM Dalvik. Bloomberg has reported that RIM won’t be using Dalvik, but is looking elsewhere. With this news and RIM’s recent strategic moves, heavy rumors and sources say that the Playbook will have the ability to run over 130,000 Android applications.

RIM may be able to woo customers who would otherwise opt for alternative devices, said Chetan Sharma, an independent wireless analyst in Issaquah, Washington.

“It will be a shrewd move to let Android apps run RIM without any performance or user interface hiccups,” said Sharma in an interview. “It will make the RIM platform attractive to consumers as it lacks the strength of the rivals from an apps perspective.”

Marisa Conway, a spokeswoman for RIM, declined to comment. RIM has said it plans to introduce its tablet in the U.S. in the first quarter and then overseas.

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